How to use this guide
This pick ‘n’ mix guide is packed with inspiration and ideas for your marketing efforts over the spring period, from March to May 2025.
For each month, I’ve prepared an event calendar, which might inspire a post, promotion or tie-in. I’ve included links where possible, so you’ll find all the information you need, including themes and full event details.
Please double-check the 2025 dates and that the events are still going ahead before you invest time and money on marketing.
There are also three seasonal content themes for each month, which you should be able to adapt for your brand and your audience.
Remember, your content should be about helping rather than selling, so make sure it’s customer-focused with a clear What’s In It For Me (WIIFM).
This is an evolving post that I return to and update every year. For advance notification of updates, make sure you’re following me on LinkedIn.
If you need more ideas, you’ll find plenty in my blog post:
111 Blog post ideas to benefit your business.
*Denotes events held on the same dates every year.
Content ideas for March 2025

March 2025 event calendar
Month-long events
1st* — National Bed Month (UK)
1st* — Brain Tumour Awareness Month (UK)
1st* — Endometriosis Awareness Month (UK)
1st*— Marie Curie Great Daffodil Appeal Month (UK)
1st* — March for Migraine (UK)
1st* — Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month (UK)
Week-long events
2nd — No More Week, against domestic abuse, TBC
3rd — National Careers Week (UK)
3rd — British Pie Week
3rd — National Butchers’ Week (UK)
7th — British Science Week
9th — World Glaucoma Week
10th — Healthcare Science Week
14th — English Tourism Week
17th — International Nutrition Hydration Week
17th — Debt Awareness Week (UK), TBC
17th — Neurodiversity Celebration Week (UK)
20th — National Complementary Therapy Week (UK)
21st — The Great British Spring Clean
24th — Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel
24th — Welsh Wine Week, date TBC
Days and anniversaries
1st* — Self Injury Awareness Day
1st* — St David’s Day
1st* — Zero Discrimination Day
3rd* — World Hearing Day
3rd* — World Wildlife Day
4th — Mardi Gras, New Orleans, USA
4th* — World Obesity Day
5th* — St Piran’s Day
6th — Crufts (UK)
6th — World Book Day
8th* — International Women’s Day
8th* — National Proofreading Day
12th — Young Carers’ Action Day (UK)
13th — World Kidney Day
13th — International School Meals Day
13th — University Mental Health Day (UK)
14th — World Sleep Day
17th* — St Patrick’s Day
18th* — Global Recycling Day
19th — World Poultry Day
20th* — International Day of Happiness
20th* — Spring Equinox, First Day of Spring (UK)
20th* — World Oral Health Day
21st — Red Nose Day, for Comic Relief (UK)
21st* — World Down Syndrome Day
21st* — International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
21st* — International Day of Forests
21st* — World Poetry Day
22nd* — World Water Day
22nd — Earth Hour, switch off for an hour at 8.30pm
23rd* — World Meteorological Day
24th — Holi, Hindu festival of colours
25th* — International Waffle Day
26th — Purple Day, for Epilepsy
30th — Mother’s Day (UK)
30th* — World Bi-Polar Day
30th — British Summertime Begins
31st* — International Transgender Day of Visibility
March 2025 content ideas
1. National Careers Week
National Careers Week runs from March 3–8, 2025.
You can use it as an opportunity to write an inspiring post about your career and how you got where you are today, or about careers and opportunities in your industry. Some of the things you can talk about include:
- What your job is like and what you do in a typical day
- How you help people
- Where you find the most job satisfaction
- What experience and qualifications you need
- What the main challenges are
- How to get started in your career.
2. Season change
In March, the season changes from winter to spring and nature starts coming back to life with new leaves, blossoms and flowers. So it’s a good time to talk about change — particularly inspirational and positive change.
Your content could inspire your audience to make a positive change by helping them:
- Solve a problem
- Make their job better or easier
- Bring about a personal change or development
- Make a change in their business
- Enjoy something new or practise something beneficial
- Improve their mood, posture, health, sleep, diet
- Style themselves, or their homes, gardens, workspaces
- Create the best seasonal dishes.
3. British Summertime begins
You could write a Countdown to Summer post looking at some of the goals your audience might want to achieve before summer arrives. Depending on your brand, they might include goals for their:
- Fitness, body
- Productivity, planning, preparation for time off
- Holidays or short breaks
- Summer wardrobe, summer fashions
- Garden projects, planting, landscaping
- Home projects, decorating conservatories, summer houses
- Summer holiday guide, summer holiday essentials
- Stay-at-home holiday ideas
- Buyer guides for BBQs, garden furniture, lighting, tents, travel essentials.
Depending on your brand and the amount of material you have, this could be one or a series of articles counting down until the summer months.
Content ideas for April 2025

April 2025 event calendar
Month-long events
1st* — Active April — for bowel cancer (UK)
1st* — World Autism Acceptance Month
1st* — Bowel Cancer Awareness Month (UK)
1st* — International Caesarean Awareness Month
1st* — IBS Awareness Month (UK)
1st* — International Parkinson’s Awareness Month
1st* — National Pet Month (UK)
1st* — Stress Awareness Month (UK)
Week+ long events
2nd — Discover National Parks Fortnight (UK)
21st — International Dark Sky Week
23rd — Great British Beef Week
24th* — World Immunisation Week
24th — Global Intergenerational Week (UK)
27th — Preservation Week, building resilient communities
28th — MS Awareness Week (UK)
Days and anniversaries
1st* — April Fool’s Day
4th* — International Carrot Day
5th* — Start of the new tax year
7th* — World Health Day
13th* — Songkran, Thailand
18th — Good Friday
20th — Easter Sunday
21st — Easter Monday
21st* — National Tea Day (UK)
22nd* — International Mother Earth Day
23rd* — St George’s Day
23rd* — International English Language Day
23rd* — International World Book Night
24th — On Your Feet Britain
25th* — World Malaria Day
25th* — World Penguin Day
26th* — World Intellectual Property Day
27th — Drive It Day, for historic vehicles (UK)
28th* — World Day for Safety and Health at Work
28th* — International Workers’ Memorial Day
29th* — International Dance Day
30th — Stop Food Waste Day (UK)
30th* — International Jazz Day
April 2025 content ideas
1. Stress Awareness Month
April is Stress Awareness Month. So how can your business relieve your customers’ stress?
Think about:
- A helpful offer or initiative to run throughout the month
- A productivity hack or how-to explanation
- Ideas to make things quicker and easier
- A time-saving download or idea
- Some easy money-saving strategies
- Stress-relieving activities or pursuits.
2. National Pet Month
Do you have an office pet? A dog, cat or something more unusual?
Having a pet in the office can improve the mood and reduce stress.
For National Pet Month, you could write a post on your office pet. Maybe an ‘A Day in the Life’ post with photographs.
This will give your audience a glimpse into your office life. And who doesn’t love pictures of cute and unusual pets?
3. Make time for a cuppa
National Tea Day takes place in April, so it’s a great month to have a cuppa and a chat. You could do an interview and write it up into a blog. Some ideas of who to interview or start a discussion with:
- A client or customer who’s been getting the most out of your product/service
- An expert in your industry to give insights and future predictions
- Others working in your field and talking about common challenges or sharing ideas
- A new employee to talk about what it’s like to work at your company or in your industry
- Someone from a regulatory body that oversees your industry.
4. April showers
Showers are short bursts of rain that keep the ground watered to promote new springtime growth. You could tie this into a post on other effective things that can be done in short bursts, such as:
- Cleaning, tidying and maintenance
- Exercise, fitness, muscle-building
- Preparation and planning
- Breaking down large, time-consuming tasks
- Creating short morning routines to keep on top of ongoing tasks.
Content ideas for May 2025

May 2025 event calendar
Month-long events
1st* — Local and Community History Month (UK)
1st* — National Share a Story Month (UK)
1st* — No Mow May (UK)
1st* — International Skin Cancer Awareness Month
1st* — National Walking Month (UK)
12th — National Smile Month, for oral health (UK)
15th* — Tourettes Awareness Month
Week+ long events
1st — Time for a Cuppa Week, for Dementia UK
5th — Deaf Awareness Week (UK)
5th — Dying Matters Awareness Week (UK)
5th — Red Cross Week (UK)
12th — Sun Awareness Week (UK)
12th — International Coaching Week
12th — Learning at Work Week (UK)
12th — Mental Health Awareness Week (UK)
12th — World Salt Awareness Week
12th — Coeliac Awareness Week (UK), TBC
12th — Foster Care Fortnight (UK)
12th — Water Saving Week (UK)
19th — Dementia Action Week (UK)
19th — Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Week (UK), TBC
19th — British Sandwich Week (UK)
24th — National Children’s Gardening Week (UK)
26th — National BBQ Week
Days and anniversaries
7th — World Maternal Mental Health Day
4th* — Star Wars Day
4th* — Firefighters’ Memorial Day (UK)
4th — International Dawn Chorus Day, first Sunday of May
5th* — Cinco de Mayo, Mexico
5th* — International Day of the Midwife
6th — World Asthma Day, first Tuesday of May
9th* — Europe Day
10th — National Doughnut Week, for The Children’s Trust
10th — National Mills Weekend (UK)
10th* — World Lupus Day
10th — World Fair Trade Day, second Saturday of May
11th* — International Eat What You Want Day
11th* — World Ego Awareness Day
12th* — International Nurses’ Day
12th* — National Limerick Day (UK)
12th* — World Fibromyalgia Day
17th — World Hypertension Day
18th — National Children’s Day (UK)
17th* — International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
17th — Pyjamarama (UK)
17th — World Whisky Day
18th*— International Museum Day
19th — London Wine Fair
21st* — International Tea Day
21st* — World Day for Cultural Diversity
22nd* — World Goth Day
23rd* — World Turtle Day
25th* — International Missing Children’s Day
28th — World Hunger Day, TBC
29th — World Digestive Health Day, TBC
29th* — Oak Apple Day (UK)
31st* — World No Tobacco Day
May 2025 content ideas
1. Warmer weather
The warmer weather gives us all a good reason to get outside and do some outdoor activities. Depending on your brand and content goals, here are some ideas of things you might write about:
- Gardening: planting seeds, vegetable patch, flower tubs, borders
- Exercise: walking, running, outdoor sports
- Fashions for the warmer weather
- Outdoor photography or video
- Family activities: days out, things to do
- Outdoor projects: building, renovating, installing, furnishing.
2. Share a story
May is National Share a Story Month in the UK, so why not share a story with your audience. Here are some ideas:
- Your brand story
- A client story or case study (with the client’s permission)
- How you overcame your biggest challenge
- A valuable lesson you learned
- How you developed your best-selling product
- A big mistake you made and how you recovered from it
- How your product or service is helping customers
- A made up story or allegory to explain something complex or to illustrate an important point.
3. Spring cleaning
Can you give your customers some ideas to ‘clean up’ what they’re doing? There are lots of themes you could use here, but here are some to get you started:
- Environmental: recycling, non-polluting, energy saving
- Streamlining: automating, improving productivity
- Decluttering: storage solutions, stripping back, being more organised
- Time-saving: making better use of their time
- Improving their methods and techniques for getting things done.
Want to add an event?
My aim is to build a comprehensive calendar of UK and international events. If there’s a great event that’s missing and you’d like me to consider including it, please get in touch with the details and official website.
Other posts in this series
As many dates aren’t confirmed until close to the event, these posts will usually be updated a couple of months before each season starts. But the links are always the same, so please feel free to bookmark them!

(June to August)

Need quality content for your business blog?
I’m Jenny Lucas, a freelance content writer based in Leicester, UK.
If you like what you’ve read here, but don’t have the time, skills or inclination to do your own content marketing, I can help by writing it for you.
For more information, head to my content writing page, where you can find out more, or get in touch.

Need more content ideas?
Check out these other posts I’ve written.