Are you a regular blogger?
Content writers are always banging on about the importance of blogging regularly.
So what’s that about?
Is your content writer just trying to get more work/money out of you, or are there some more compelling reasons you should be posting consistently?
Actually, there are some very good reasons why it’s important to post to your blog regularly — and we’ll get to those in a minute. But first, I want to tell you what happened to my website when I stopped blogging a few years ago.
What happened when I stopped blogging?
My website had always ranked well
I learned SEO in the late 00s, so when I built my first website, I followed all the protocols and did what I’d been taught. My new site got to Google’s top spot in a couple of weeks, which wasn’t unusual back then. Nowadays it’s taking around 6 months.
In addition to the SEO I’d applied to my site, I posted a new search-engine-optimised blog article every week.
I prided myself on being an SEO copywriter who practised what I preached and my top-ranking website was a good advertisement for that.
Nine years later things went wrong… very wrong
My copywriting business had been going well and I’d been busy with client work for months. For a lone freelancer, this was a fantastic position to be in. But I’d been so busy, I hadn’t posted any new blog content in months.
When Google introduced a major new algorithm update, my website suddenly slid down the rankings like a kid on a mudslide.
At first, I wasn’t worried, because I’d seen this before. Algorithm updates generally caused some turbulence but, when it passed, my website would rise back to the top.
But this time, it didn’t.
It stayed down and carried on falling.
And as projects were completed and my calendar started to empty, I found myself not so busy and with no new enquiries coming in.
Cue panic!

My website had always been my main source of enquiries. As an SEO copywriter, I’d optimised it well and it had rewarded me handsomely.
But now? Nothing. Nada. Zilch. And I realised it was all because I’d stopped blogging.
I’m always telling clients they need to keep posting content if they want to improve or maintain their rankings. But when it came to my own website, I’d taken my eye off the ball.
Panic averted
For the next few weeks I started posting new content regularly and consistently and, sure enough, my website started to climb back up again.
When I originally wrote this post, my keyword tracker was reporting a not-too-shabby 2855.55% increase in my website’s performance index. And since then my website has climbed back up to its rightful place in the rankings.
And all because I blogged consistently and regularly.
The importance of posting to your blog regularly
A lot of website copywriting prospects I speak to seem to think that when you’ve had your website professionally written and optimised, that’s it — job done. You can just put your feet up and wait for the enquiries and money to start rolling in.
Not so, I’m afraid.
Getting your website written and optimised is an important first step, but it doesn’t stop there.
SEO is an ongoing process. And if you want to use organic SEO to bring more traffic to your website, an effective content strategy should be an integral part of that process.
There are a number of reasons why posting content regularly is important and in the next section, I’m going to explain eight of them.
8 Good reasons to blog regularly

1. It’s good for your SEO
Posting new content regularly shows Google your site is active — and Google prefers active sites to dormant and neglected ones. If a site is active it shows the owner is invested in continual improvement and creating a valuable resource for their audience.
Every time you post new content, you’re giving Google a reason to crawl your site and reindex all your pages. The idea is that the more often you post new content, the more often Google will crawl your site and the quicker your content will rank.
2. It helps you reach more people
Your website can only target so many keywords. And these keywords will most often be aimed at attracting your core target market — the people who know exactly what they want and what it’s called.
But this isn’t the full extent of your market. For example, there may be people who are Googling the problem rather than the solution, because they don’t know what the solution is yet. Or people who are using the language they’re familiar with, rather than the correct terminology.
The more keywords you can target, the more bases you can cover. And the more bases you have covered, the more chances you have to attract new prospects to your website.
3. It builds your expertise, authority and trustworthiness
Expertise, Authority and Trustworthiness are three of Google’s own quality rater guidelines.
Every blog post you publish is a new opportunity to demonstrate your expertise, build your authority in your industry and become more trustworthy in the eyes of your target audience.
When you regularly show up with new content, you’re building a valuable resource on your website that serves the specific needs of your audience.
4. It keeps your audience engaged
When you post new content regularly, it means there’s always something new to see. And if visitors have enjoyed your previous content, they’re more likely to come back and read more.
Every piece of your content a person reads takes them a little further along your customer journey and brings them a little closer to buying from you or working with you.
5. It keeps you current and relevant
Your blog should be an ever-growing and ever-evolving resource, filled with helpful content for your audience.
Publishing regularly means you’ll always be looking for new content ideas. And, in doing so, you’re more likely to be inspired by the latest industry news and trends.
Being at the forefront when it comes to discussing industry issues can make you a leader in your field. This means others in your sector will regard your site as a source of information. This could result in backlinks, which are good for building your Domain Authority (DA).
6. It gives you content for your social media
If you regularly post on social media, you can use your blog content to inspire your social posts.
For social, try breaking your longer content down into more bitesize pieces.
For example, you could write a post:
- Discussing one of the stats from your article
- Giving your list of tips or points in brief
- Focusing on one of your tips or points in detail
- Talking about the theme of your blog post to promote a discussion.
And include the link to your original article for the full information.
7. It encourages social sharing
People are always looking for quality content to share with their networks.
When you publish new content regularly and consistently, you become a go-to for people who share content and this gives you a chance to reach a wider audience.
8. It keeps all your content fresh
Older content can date and lose its relevance over time. As a result, it will probably start to slip down the rankings. So, in addition to creating new content, you need to continually review your back catalogue.
There are four types of content:
- Evergreen — so-called because the information and ideas will never date and will always be relevant
- Updatable content — which will need regularly updating with the latest information, research, conclusions and advice
- Content for repurposing — which can’t be updated, but can be repurposed into something else
- Content for deleting — which can’t be updated or repurposed because the fundamental theme is no longer relevant.
As your blogging skills improve, you might also want to improve the quality of your back catalogue, in line with the new content you’re creating.
Keeping your back catalogue current and relevant ensures your whole blog is as valuable as it can be.
Do you need help with your blog?
Your blog should be helping to drive traffic to your website and generate new leads for your business. If it isn’t, maybe I can help.
I’m Jenny Lucas, a content writer and strategist who’s been helping businesses create effective blogs since 2008.
Some of the services I offer include:
- Content audits — to evaluate the content you have and look for new opportunities
- Content strategy — to help you reach more prospects and turn them into customers
- Content ideas — because we all need more of those
- SEO keyword research — for content that ranks on Google
- Content writing — to populate your blog with effective, high-quality content.
Maybe you need help with some of the above. Or maybe you’re not sure where you need the help and would just like to talk to someone.
In either case, get in touch and let’s work out a plan.

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